I remember love song By Patrice Maltas
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To listen to Patricia with the NY Jazz trio
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Patrice Maltas
Is the founder of (Dream theater artist retreat center)
In the mountain of Woodstock NY. Patrice is a world music singer song writer.That has a far reaching repertoire of acoustic blues, Jazz, classical, and world music and a multi instrumentalist sound healer kriya yoga teacher.
She is the founder of the (Woodstock Spirit dance and Yoga retreat camp).
Formerly known as the (Woodstock Ecstatic dance camp)
As a yoga meditation teacher musician
*Special events - Patrice offers Spirit dance & kriya yoga
with Oskar Madera founder of (Tribal Joy ecstatic dance)
Facilitators for NY retreat
Otis Cook
He has toured around the world as a dancer performing with (Circus Sola)
He will be offering Creative Improve movement session at our weekend retreat.
Amparo Garcia-Crow is a teaching artist who acts, sings, directs, plays songs. As a playwright, Garcia-Crow has been developed at South Coast Repertory Theatre and Mabo Mines, had world premieres Off-Broadway, Actor’s Theatre of Louisville and Latino Chicago.
Oskar Madera
Founder of the Tribal Joy Ecstatic dance in Austin TX
Has been facilitating dance in Austin for over 25 years.
He is a Mayan Astrologer and master at leading ceremony and retreats.
I am reflecting on the ecstatic dance retreat I just attended, which was hosted by Patrice Maltas and facilitated by Amparo Garcia-Crow, Oskar Madera.
The event was held in the beautiful Catskill Mountains in Woodstock, NY at a sacred Native American Indian site. Right up the hill was a Tibetan Monastery. Our dances and workshops were held in an amazing yurt that had huge dome skylight to the heavens
One the biggest impacts I observed was the synergistic chemistry of the group, how we together collectively created a powerful presence that was much greater than the sum of our individual presence. Everyone just showed up in a big way, open, real, vulnerable, present.
This dance retreat gave me that opportunity. And in allowing myself to plunge into freedom and love, being in my body while simultaneously flying around the space in spirit, Thank you-Annie
I really appreciated the workshops that offered tools and space for radical authenticity and vulnerability in a safe container. Oh how I love authenticity, sheer honesty, with myself and others continuing to reveal later by layer, veil by veil the masterpiece that I AM one with all Namaste.
- Leslie Thornton.
One of the most unexpectedly amazing/healing weekends in my life. Super in awe of what miracles transpired. - #ecstaticdancecamp
Thank you Patrice Maltas for putting this on, we love you, and all the others who attended the retreat this weekend, you are all such beautiful people. I am forever transformed and grateful.
Thank you for the waterfall swim. -Albany Ecstatic dance
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